
  • Anbang negotiating control of South Korean life insurer

    16 February 2015

    Stake in Tong Yang could allow access to other Korean assets

  • Greek debt: "don't assume rationality will prevail"

    16 February 2015

    Remember Lehman bankruptcy, says J P Morgan Asset Management

  • Insurers juggle the attractions and drawbacks of illiquid assets

    12 February 2015

    With quantitative easing reducing the chance of any rise in interest rates soon, insurers are even more interested in higher-yielding illiquid assets to bolster their paltry returns from fixed-income, but Solvency II capital charges remain a problem. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Solvency II reporting could boost fund managers' business

    12 February 2015

    Providing more data to clients is key, says Silverfinch

  • NAIC seeks modellers for CMBS and RMBS investments

    12 February 2015

    Third party vendors first used by association five years ago

  • Zurich CIO given wider role

    12 February 2015

    Reyes adds Asia role; group investment result up 24%

  • L&G to sell offshore unit to Great-West Lifeco

    11 February 2015

    Sale of Dublin subsidiary continues disposal programme

  • French reinsurer chooses SGSS for Solvency II reporting

    10 February 2015

    CCR buys look-through and other services

  • Japan Post Insurance reduces government bond holdings

    10 February 2015

    Drop blamed on falling yields

  • L&G to buy New Life Home Finance

    09 February 2015

    Assets will help back insurer's annuity liabilities