
  • L&G to buy New Life Home Finance

    09 February 2015

    Assets will help back insurer's annuity liabilities

  • Chinese Insurer buys luxury Manhattan hotel

    09 February 2015

    Baccarat Hotel hasn't even opened yet

  • Alternative investments improve Kemper's Q4 & 2014 results

    06 February 2015

    Insurer "pleased" with returns from this sector

  • German life insurers face fall in 2015 investment returns

    06 February 2015

    QE will speed up shift to alternatives says Moody's

  • Eiopa reconsiders Solvency II infrastructure investments charge

    05 February 2015

    Consultation period over 2015

  • UAE sets investment limits for insurers

    05 February 2015

    Insurance Authority aims to align solvency requirements with Europe

  • Spencer Capital to purchase USA Risk Group

    03 February 2015

    USA Risk will add to Spencer Capital's insurance offering

  • Unit-linked portfolios under Solvency II could offer significant capital benefits

    03 February 2015

    The matching requirements for unit-linked assets and liabilities offer the possibility of both stabilising the economic balance sheet and enhancing the solvency position, argue Sinéad Clarke, Kevin Manning, Scott Mitchell and Eamonn Phelan

  • Commission sets capital markets union in motion

    02 February 2015

    Consultation paper to point to relaxation of Solvency II charges for investment in infrastructure

  • Real assets increasingly attractive to institutional investors

    02 February 2015

    Aquila Capital study predicts shift away from bonds/equities