
  • Bermuda re/insurer ratings unaffected by country downgrade

    03 June 2014

    Fitch says companies "isolated from country-related risks"

  • Standish and BNY Mellon combine asset management and servicing for insurers

    28 May 2014

    Should appeal to smaller to mid-sized firms

  • Eastspring Investments appoints Yang as head of insurance relationship

    28 May 2014

    Recruited from FWD Group, where he was group head of investments and ALM

  • Germany to reduce guaranteed rate for life insurance

    28 May 2014

    Response to low yields on insurers investments

  • Western & Southern Financial hires Steven Kreider as CIO

    23 May 2014

    Leaves Western Asset Management to manage $46bn

  • Carney warns of stricter regulation for UK insurers

    22 May 2014

    BoE will be vigilant on risks of new business and non-traditional investment

  • Japan Post invests $3.5bn in Japanese assets

    22 May 2014

    Investment marks signal of faith in Abenomics

  • Manulife Asset Management recruits new chief executive

    21 May 2014

    Kai Sotorp joins from UBS Global Asset Management

  • US insurers cut certain ABS holdings

    20 May 2014

    NAIC concerned over subprime auto and private student loan deals

  • Smart beta strategies attract insurers

    20 May 2014

    Prompting a move away from market cap investment