
  • Folksam acquires SEK565.5m property from Zurich Insurance

    13 February 2023

    Group's direct real estate portfolio reaches SEK 62bn

  • Global insurers sign up to PRI Advance initiative

    02 December 2022

    A collaborative stewardship initiative on social issues and human rights

  • Folksam backs concept of 'road safety bonds'

    27 July 2022

    Issues would promote safe motoring, akin to green bonds for the environment

  • Folksam to vote against Ericsson CEO

    29 March 2022

    At today's AGM over alleged ISIS payment

  • Insurers take stock of equity volatility due to war in Ukraine

    25 February 2022

    But 'wait and see' is the motto for now, with inflation a greater worry than geopolitics

  • Folksam invests SEK 3.8bn in World Bank green bond

    21 February 2022

    Sole investor in bond supporting projects in renewable energy, energy efficiency and biodiversity

  • Folksam Group grew AuM 15% in 2021

    14 February 2022

    While unit-linked insurance assets grew by 25% to SEK 243bn

  • AllianzGI and EIB launch Emerging Market Climate Action strategy

    08 November 2021

    Folksam Group offers 30% initial investment of €500m target

  • Folksam increasing its investments in Volvo and Heimstaden Bostad

    02 November 2021

    Committing a further SEK 11.75bn to its previous investments

  • Emitters urge insurers to file AGM resolutions on net zero, underwriters say

    26 October 2021

    Insurance Asset Risk's latest webinar on net-zero engagement hears of communication challenges