
  • Impact of Ukrainian conflict on EMD now weathered, bfinance says

    11 April 2022

    Asset class remains attractive for insurers, according to Mathias Neidert

  • Majority of insurers expect to enter unfamiliar asset classes in next 18 months

    17 January 2022

    Investment headcount at insurers on the rise

  • Consultants launch net-zero initiative

    20 September 2021

    Setting out nine actions to reach net zero by 2050

  • Low yields, high cost and underperformance: manager fees under the spotlight

    23 June 2017

    Paying high fees for your asset management is never welcome. In the current low return environment insurers are increasingly having to re-evaluate the charges they pay as fees eat into their profits. And not before time, too. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Asset manager fees tumble for equities, FOHF and European private debt

    15 May 2017

    Illiquid investment fees have been generally resilient in light of high demand, finds Bfinance

  • Baird Capital buys stake in consultant bfinance

    03 May 2016

    Chicago-based private equity firm's 52% stake worth tens of millions of pounds

  • The virtues of alternative beta

    29 February 2016

    Alternative beta is increasingly gaining traction among institutional investors and is particularly relevant to mitigate current equity-related risks. Chris Stevens, senior associate at London-based financial advisor bfinance, explains why.

  • Outsourced or in-house: the great asset management debate

    26 November 2015

    In part 2 of this InsuranceERM/bfinance roundtable, participants discuss their approaches to managing assets in-house and using external asset managers

  • Designing asset strategies for the new business environment

    20 November 2015

    Many insurers have been reassessing their investment portfolios in light of low rates and Solvency II. In the first part of this InsuranceERM/bfinance roundtable, participants discuss concerns about diversification and liquidity, and whether they can be opportunistic enough in today's fast-moving markets

  • OMGI hires head of investment consultant relationships

    20 July 2015

    Craig Stevenson joins from Towers Watson