
  • California insurance commissioner to moderate climate risk roundtable

    23 July 2019

    Three US senators and the senior adviser to the governor of California make up panel of experts

  • The BBB effect: apocalypse or opportunity?

    12 March 2019

    US insurers are holding bigger volumes of BBB-rated corporate debt than at any time in the past. A turning credit cycle could tip significant amounts of these to junk. But while the headline figures look startling, is this really a precursor to the apocalypse or just another bad news story? Sarfraz Thind reports

  • UN PSI launches new ESG guide

    27 February 2019

    Calling for the homogeneous integration of ESG factors on both sides of insurers balance sheets

  • "We are not finished with you yet"

    21 November 2018

    Bank of England governor and Prince Charles say time to act on sustainability is now

  • US not changing on climate

    25 October 2018

    New York, US. The US insurance industry has been a laggard when it comes to embracing investments to mitigate climate change. Many insurers remain suspicious of the need for it unlike their European counterparts. It is a deeply divisive, political issue, according to professionals. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Will businesses rise to age of authenticity?

    25 September 2018

    Aviva chief behind new sustainable initiative says treatment of planet is “stealing from the future to pay for today”

  • UN-supported PRI launches free online climate tool

    03 September 2018

    Analysing exposure to transition risk in equity and fixed income portfolios over multiple scenarios

  • How regulatory data can unlock the door to competitive advantage

    26 June 2018

    The data in Solvency II quantitative reporting templates can be used to gain insight and edge, David Walker reports.

  • Indian state to sell off insurance investments

    06 February 2017

    Government stakes in general insurers to go in listing programme

  • Japanese regulator reveals signatories to local investment code

    29 December 2016

    Insurers still lag pensions as asset owner adherents