
  • Unipol posts 3.8% investment return as interest rates rise

    19 February 2024

    Higher rates also spurring plans for significant structural change at Italian group

  • Moody's upgrades UnipolSai's outlook from "negative" to "stable"

    22 November 2023

    Change follows similar upgrade of Italian sovereign rating and reduction in exposure to Italian assets

  • Italian insurers have diversified away from local govvies, but asset risk rising

    03 August 2020

    Exposure to Italian govvies still high and constrains insurers' ratings, Fitch warns

  • Sovereign exposure partly to blame for Unipol downgrade

    24 October 2018

    Allianz SpA and Generali avoid same fate

  • Volatilità spurs Italian insurers to review portfolios

    04 September 2018

    Italy's underwriters long understood their sovereign debt was not riskless. This year's jolts only intensified their search for other investments, as David Walker reports

  • Italy debt holdings hit Unipol and Allianz units

    31 May 2018

    Moody's warns of downgrades, but spares more diverse Generali business