
  • Work on coal by no means completed, activists say

    19 June 2020

    But COVID-19 offers the right timing to start focus on oil & gas

  • Coal activists widen their scope of action to oil and gas

    18 June 2020

    Move answers a question long asked by Insurance Asset Risk

  • Recruiting investment talent in an era of climate change

    12 June 2020

    Jobseekers have 'tackling global warming' on their wish-lists

  • NN Group plans full divestment from coal by 2030

    29 May 2019

    €540m worth of coal investment affected by Dutch insurer’s new coal policy

  • Campaign group questions Generali’s delivery on coal commitment

    24 April 2019

    Unfriend Coal calls on Italian insurer to communicate outcome of its engagement with six coal companies

  • VIG updates coal investment policy

    25 February 2019

    But environmentalists argue Austrian insurer has not gone far enough with its policy

  • Hannover Re defends coal investing

    09 November 2018

    Reply to criticism comes on heels of Vienna Insurance Group's own defence

  • NN Group announces tar sands investment policy

    10 October 2018

    But environmentalists call for more in light of IPCC’s call for drastic actions

  • Rendez-Vous de Septembre: Clouded optimism in uncertain times

    19 September 2018

    The annual reinsurance meeting in Monte Carlo is a good barometer to measure the sector's health. This year, amid successfully managing last year's losses from natural disasters, reinsurers' indicators seem to be flashing 'green'. But uncertainty still looms like black clouds in the distance. Vincent Huck reports

  • Lemonade to stay fossil-fuel free

    12 September 2018

    As anti-coal campaign bubbles up in U.S