
  • APAC Weekly - Sensitive data keeps leaking at Japan's 'porous' non-lifers

    03 September 2024

    Malign hackers blameless in recent spillages of sensitive customer data

  • Tokio Marine and MS&AD announce first step in disentangling equity cross-holdings

    27 August 2024

    Japan's majors are unravelling their stakes, chiefly with Toyota

  • APAC Weekly - European M&A sits high on APAC insurers' agendas (and, seemingly, vice versa, too)

    13 August 2024

    But Allianz's Singapore deal shows 'two can play that game'

  • Strategic equity sales boost quarterly result at Tokio Marine

    08 August 2024

    But Japanese group reveals provisioning for CRE loan losses in international business

  • APAC insurance groups reveal better investment outcomes for Bermudian subsidiaries

    05 August 2024

    From outsourcing to equity beta data to income leaps, APAC-owned Bermudians reported on an investment job well done, in 2023

  • Japanese insurers views' vindicated as BoJ hikes again

    31 July 2024

    Meiji Yasuda AM and Tokio Marine AM had flagged higher rates in future

  • Strategic stake sell-downs "positive" for credit profile of Japan's major non-lifers

    30 July 2024

    S&P Global Ratings expects the proceeds to be major profit driver for sellers this year

  • APAC Weekly - What Japan's insurers are about to learn, from Robert the Bruce and a spider

    30 July 2024

    In Japan both lifers and general insurers are facing monumental changes from unwinds of strategic investments underway

  • Chart of the Week - Re/insurers ponder 'what if' about looming US elections

    26 July 2024

    Tokio Marine AM has set out four scenarios for November and the possible effects on key policy and economic variables

  • Tokio Marine announces JPY 57bn tender offer for strategic equity investment by Toyota

    24 July 2024

    Move follows similar announcement about cross-holdings yesterday at MS&AD