
  • Finding the holy grail

    21 November 2019

    With low interest rates impacting solvency ratios, insurers are looking for the holy grail of high yielding assets which do not require higher capital charges. Vincent Huck reports

  • Risk of Japanification is not a worst case, Swiss Re chief economists say

    13 November 2019

    Haegeli and Holzheu predict increased allocation to illliquids and non-EU assets for European insurers

  • Video: Swiss Re chief economist Americas on current market risks

    04 November 2019

    Thomas Holzheu was speaking at Insurance Asset Risk Americas 2019

  • Insurers’ investment guide to protect world heritage sites unveiled

    15 October 2019

    Insurers worldwide have collaborated with the United Nations and the World Wildlife Fund

  • Pension funds and insurers commit to carbon-neutral investments by 2050

    25 September 2019

    The newly launched alliance is responsible for $2.4trn in investments

  • Heightened appetite for illiquid assets could come back to bite insurers

    28 June 2019

    Lower compensations from illiquid assets, disruption from ESG considerations and political uncertainty as the new norm, are the key issues on top of insurers’ CIOs’ minds, according to an EY survey. Adam Leach reports

  • Investment challenges arising from shifting insurance business models

    26 June 2019

    At Insurance Asset Risk EMEA 2019 conference European insurers discuss as part of a panel the shifts in insurance business models and the ramification for investments strategies. In this first part of a two-part series, they discuss the ongoing consolidation in the market. Compiled by David Walker

  • ESG integration delivers returns with lower volatility

    06 June 2019

    Pascal Zbinden, co-head of SAA & market at Swiss Re will speak at Insurance Asset Risk EMEA 2019

  • Q&A: Introducing risk-based capital in Hong Kong

    04 June 2019

    David Alexander, head of P&C reinsurance Hong Kong & Taiwan at Swiss Re, and chairman of the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers taskforce on RBC has been directly involved in liaison with the Insurance Authority on the introduction of the new regulation. Interview by Vincent Huck.

  • Hong Kong’s insurers gearing up for risk-based capital

    31 May 2019

    In Hong Kong, local stakeholders tell Vincent Huck how they are getting ready for a risk-based capital regime which will require them to put in place ALM strategies and define their investment risk appetite.