
  • Stagflation a real threat for 2022, says Swiss Re

    02 December 2021

    A 1970s scenario would have serious effects for US insurers

  • A new letter in the shape of the recovery-alphabet

    17 November 2021

    Swiss Re chief economist points at a D-shaped recovery, (sort of)

  • Swiss Re warns coal-laggard nations blowing carbon budgets will have "ratings implications"

    17 November 2021

    Jerome Haegeli names inflation top macro risk

  • European reinsurers' resilient investments fuel improved 9M results

    15 November 2021

    Fitch reveals three key drivers of investment results

  • Investment risk a necessity for insurers

    15 November 2021

    60% of insurers to increase risk in next two years, Blackrock survey finds

  • Net-zero outsourcing - will 'great minds think alike'?

    10 November 2021

    Net-zero insurers describe to David Walker a future of working only with asset managers that can show they are committed to the same goal

  • Swiss Re funds community-led resilience projects

    08 November 2021

    Along with the UK's blue Planet Fund

  • Axa IM revenues top €1bn in "another very good quarter"

    05 November 2021

    Europe's majors report few investment hiccups in nine-month results

  • Net-zero insurers should still use non-net zero managers, Swiss Re says

    22 October 2021

    Inclusion is key to investment- and societal-net zero, NZAOA founding member argues

  • Comment - Insurers' CIOs as 'fall guys' for the energy transition

    20 October 2021

    Low-carbon will pose some tricky questions about exactly what insurers stand for