
  • Can investment consultants build a bridge to insurers?

    09 November 2016

    Chief investment officers tell many tales of incompetent and tactless advisors, but admit they do sometimes need help navigating the investment landscape. David Walker investigates the future of the relationship

  • Low yields and the Darwinian battle facing life insurers

    31 October 2016

    The life sector must adapt to survive under Solvency II with low investment yields, says the former chief investment officer of Alliance Bernstein, Erik Vynckier. He talks to David Walker

  • Less than 3% of managers have substantial insurer assets, says Spence Johnson

    28 October 2016

    Insurers say long-lasting dedication to sector is crucial

  • Insurers' DGFs show heavy bias towards equities

    18 November 2014

    DGF market will top $300bn by 2018, says Spence Johnson

  • Asset managers increase insurance AuM

    10 July 2014

    Specialist expertise key in attracting clients