
  • US life insurers will absorb any recession this year

    27 January 2023

    Strong capital position means investments should withstand market downturn, S&P says

  • Higher rates likely to spur moves out of risk back into fixed income for US insurers

    26 January 2023

    Insurers have piled into equities and private assets on low rates—this could change, S&P says

  • Do rising rates signal a volte-face by reinsurers on illiquid assets?

    12 September 2022

    With RVS in Monte Carlo well underway, Abbie Wood spoke to industry experts to learn how rising interest rates could push reinsurers away from the illiquid assets from which they once sought yield... but not all the experts agree.

  • Bermudian re/insurers weathering market volatility

    31 August 2022

    AEGIS, Partner Re and Arch have riskiest insurance portfolios, S&P finds

  • Life stakeholders find reasons to sing and dance about back book deals

    11 August 2022

    Those evaluating and otherwise benefitting from back book sales - including asset managers - tell David Walker they like what they see

  • Generali and Unipol assessed for BTP exposure as Italy demoted

    01 August 2022

    S&P Global Ratings has Italy's outlook to stable

  • US insurer ETF use hits $45bn in 2021, 15% up from previous year

    19 July 2022

    Insurers have doubled use of ETFs every four years since 2004, S&P says

  • A eulogy to traditional life insurance

    14 July 2022

    Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today at the death of traditional life insurance.

  • The death of life insurance

    13 July 2022

    They were the bane of life for many CIOs, but a rich source of outsourcing for asset managers. Are traditional life policies - and their challenges for investing - now dead? David Walker investigates

  • Europe's life CIOs to trim risk-taking, predicts S&P Global Ratings

    04 July 2022

    Yields on mainstream classes now enough to satisfy some guarantees