
  • Hedge fund reinsurers feel the heat

    07 September 2016

    Poor investment performance and tight reinsurance markets have squeezed returns for hedge fund reinsurers. With some already exiting the market, what for the future? Sarfraz Thind reports.

  • Dai-ichi Life in ¥2.3bn social bond deal

    02 September 2016

    First social bond issuance in Japan

  • Reinsurers in the hunt for BBB-bonds

    23 August 2016

    Yield-hungry investors move down the credit curve, but stay within investment grade – S&P

  • Leveraged loans an asset in waiting

    27 July 2016

    Leveraged loans are often perceived as riskier than equivalent high-yield bonds, but market participants believe this is unfair and the asset is due a revaluation. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Fed rules pose liquidity challenge for AIG and Pru

    08 June 2016

    Financial sector securities may be excluded from "highly liquid" category

  • Reinsurers increase exposure to equities

    25 August 2015

    Some credit risk also added

  • Hedge funds' risk-taking creates cultural divide with traditional reinsurance

    12 August 2014

    HFRs will not supplant traditional reinsurance model, says S&P

  • US insurers increase exposure to CLOs

    05 June 2014

    Diversification prompted by attractive yields and Volcker rule

  • Solvency II securitisation charges remain turn-off for insurers

    19 March 2014

    Capital charges high compared to other asset classes