
  • The insurance asset management gold rush

    15 March 2017

    Enticed by lucrative revenues, insurers are pushing into the asset management business like never before. Insurer-affiliated managers are currently some of the fastest growing in the world. With regulations and low rates driving increased insurer third-party asset outsourcing, the industry is in a prime position to pick up more business. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Lower third-party assets impact Allianz revenues

    12 May 2016

    Outflows from Pimco and currency shifts depress Q1 result

  • Axa IM capitalises on emerging market debt with new hire

    29 April 2016

    Axa hires head of emerging markets fixed income for new team

  • AllianzGI to acquire fixed income manager

    08 February 2016

    To take over Rogge Global Partners