
  • Japanese watchdog gets 21 takers for ESG data code of conduct

    22 January 2024

    Code's founding technical committee chaired by professor Tetsuo Kitagawa of Aoyama Gakuin University

  • Comment: What's in a name? How investors are a 'proxy-SCR' for insurers' reputation risk

    27 March 2023

    Reputations contain much value quickly lost, especially in the financial sector reliant on trust

  • Germany's mid-sized insurers call for more regional ESG projects to back

    03 February 2022

    MEP warns on commercialisation of important ESG data

  • UK Libor transition working group highlights rapid progress

    20 May 2019

    But insurers still lagging behind according to rating agency Moody’s

  • US insurers attraction for CLOs

    31 January 2019

    Collateralised loan obligations have been rapidly growing in US insurer portfolios as they cast off the shadow of the financial crisis. But, with a predicted downturn on the horizon, are they safe? Sarfraz Thind reports