
  • Manulife backs US battery energy storage project

    08 February 2024

    Insurer provides $47.5m loan for Spearmint Energy scheme

  • US West Coast insurers face up to $40bn in corporate bonds climate- related losses

    07 February 2024

    Research commissioned by California's regulator has found

  • HANSAINVEST invests €50m in Poland's solar parks

    03 February 2023

    Affiliated manager already runs nearly €2bn of infrastructure allocations

  • Comment - Does a CIO need to be 'truly' brave?

    16 January 2023

    Investing can take a steely nerve, but David Walker explores why it sometimes also requires true bravery

  • Insurers among investors backing direct lending fund

    30 October 2014

    Permira closes fund at €400m