
  • Absence of US insurers in global climate initiative eye-opening

    04 October 2019

    Climate Action 100+ releases first progress report as pressure on climate-aware investing grows

  • Impact investing or impact washing?

    13 June 2018

    Insurers say they can find financial value in ESG investing, but they have to be wise to investments that don't deliver on their stated goals. And while ESG can mean different things to different stakeholders, a push for standardisation is not always welcome, according to panellists at Insurance Asset Risk's 2018 EMEA conference. Vincent Huck reports

  • RLAM launches £2.7bn UK property fund

    02 October 2017

    Two-thirds of properties invested in London

  • Large institutional mandates boost RLAM

    17 August 2017

    Institutional inflows up 210% on the first six months of 2016

  • Equities and treasuries pumped on Trump

    01 December 2016

    As the dust settles after Donald Trump's surprise election win, investors and economists assess the likely consequences of his administration on financial markets. Asa Gibson reports

  • Brexit and investment challenges will dominate IAR conference

    06 June 2016

    Only a week to go to the major annual insurance asset event

  • Asset managers review Solvency II data delivery

    28 April 2016

    Preparing for "real test" in annual reporting