
  • QBE looks to re-stock growth assets to 15% of pot

    11 August 2022

    Infrastructure, shares, property and alts comprise 11% now

  • Comment - What insurers can learn from the furore about HSBC AM and climate change

    01 June 2022

    Any insurers arguing climate change doesn't matter are shooting at their own feet

  • Comment - Australia may (finally) act on climate change as elections change government

    23 May 2022

    CIOs should help finance renewables - it's in their own interest, after all

  • Fossil remains - why coal, oil and gas are still insurers' 'dirty little secret'

    19 May 2022

    Whisper it quietly, but old energy investments may have been a dividend-godsend to many CIOs starved of yield elsewhere, David Walker discovers

  • Comment - The Devil, insurers and coal, and the Deep Blue Sea

    10 May 2022

    With governments letting them down, insurers face no easy choices in their ability to tackle climate change

  • Lloyd's syndicates outline actions and plans for LIBOR's end

    06 April 2022

    Syndicates struggled to beat it, while getting rid of exposure to it, in 2021

  • QBE's PE storms to 16% return as alternatives shine

    18 February 2022

    Plans more than doubling risk asset allocation in 2022/2023

  • Investors to benefit as Asia ILS market comes to life

    10 January 2022

    Investing in insurance-linked securities (ILS) was once about natural catastrophe risk, but in Asia, practitioners expect far greater diversity in life/non-life risks being packaged, with help from insurers and regulators alike, they tell David Walker

  • Carbon allowances - insurers slowly warm to the net-zero opportunity

    06 December 2021

    The European benchmark price for carbon allowances hit a record high in November, but only one insurer acknowledges investing in them and others seem coy, so far, to deep their toes in, as Vincent Huck finds out

  • IAR Americas: Cautious optimism in credit markets

    27 October 2021

    Since the health crisis of COVID-19 snowballed into an economic crisis, credit markets have seen their base shaken, but insurers retain some confidence, not without caution though. Vincent Huck reports