
  • Just to challenge PRA over treatment of equity release mortgages

    06 September 2018

    Company considers more reinsurance in case consultation ends badly

  • Equity release mortgages: stopping the roof falling in

    09 August 2018

    The Prudential Regulation Authority has shaken up life insurers by proposing new assumptions around the valuation of ERMs. The more prudent approach seeks to avoid a potential disaster if house prices stagnate or crash, but the impact on insurers could be serious. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Equity-release mortgage lending "a scandal like Equitable Life"

    07 August 2018

    Durham University professor warns of major errors in insurers' valuation

  • Just raises ERM lending as bulk annuity sales soar

    24 July 2018

    UK life insurer warns of potential negative impact from regulatory rule change

  • UK regulator to rein in excessive MA benefits on equity-release mortgages

    02 July 2018

    PRA proposals focus on risks with no-negative-equity guarantees

  • Climatewise launches transition risk modelling framework

    07 June 2018

    Framework can be used as an add-on to insurer’s existing models

  • Insurers' shift into private credit sparks evolution in internal rating capabilities

    04 June 2018

    With insurers showing greater appetite for private credit, authorities are keen to ensure firms are applying robust credit risk assessments – but the lack of rating agencies in the space is giving regulators and insurers a headache. Asa Gibson reports.

  • PRA to review life insurers' risk taking in "complex" illiquid investments

    09 April 2018

    A lack of external credit ratings and observable market prices makes it difficult to assess insurers' risk-taking in increasingly popular illiquid asset classes, according to the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA).

  • UK's matching adjustment proposals fall short of expectations - ABI

    02 February 2018

    Progress in the right direction but criteria still too restrictive, argues association

  • PRA issues guidance on calculating SCR relief from MA portfolios using internal models

    10 November 2017

    The Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) has issued its second consultation paper (CP) on the matching adjustment (MA) in as many weeks, setting out what it expects of internal model firms applying the mechanism to calculate their solvency capital requirements (SCR).