
  • Lifers could be hit hardest by climate change, Bank of England stress tests find

    24 May 2022

    Bank of England climate stress test finds insurers could see a 15% asset value drop without action on climate change

  • A match, a spark! - the MA ignites UK lifers' investment appetites

    02 May 2022

    The MA has given UK lifers about £400bn of capital benefit since 2016 - and more fruitful use of it to invest in the real economy could yet come, if HM Treasury's proposals are enacted. David Walker investigates

  • Comment - UK lifers could quietly stampede through MA's open door

    28 April 2022

    HM Treasury has published MA and Solvency II reform proposals

  • UK government publishes review of Solvency II

    28 April 2022

    Open for consultation until July

  • UK PRA reveals proposals for life stress tests

    21 January 2022

    Investment stressors planned to evolve in four distinct stages

  • PRA says capital charges the wrong way to cut emissions

    28 October 2021

    But an appropriate tool to combat the effects of global warming

  • PRA seeks CFO views on MA eligibility criteria

    16 August 2021

    The UK watchdog will convene roundtables in September

  • Insurers warm to public disclosure on climate change risks

    11 August 2021

    SFCRs reveal much about European insurers' financial health and, since 2020, also a lot about their preparations to tackle climate change risk, as David Walker finds

  • UK insurers outline views on tackling climate change risk

    05 July 2021

    LV details "enhanced ESG management information" from Columbia Threadneedle

  • Comment: the 'Brexit elephant' in the room for the Solvency II review

    23 June 2021

    The EU and the UK are busily looking closely at their insurance regulations, but will they see eye to eye on competitiveness?