
  • Is it really a small world after all? Protectionism strikes back

    21 March 2019

    Most insurers’ chief investment officers and asset managers have grown up investing during the long trend of beneficial globalisation. The trend was their friend. But as evidence of its unravelling builds, they are asking if the elastic is just stretching or about to snap back. Vincent Huck went in search of answers

  • Transitioning from Libor: complex questions and no answers

    21 February 2019

    The discontinuation of Libor will affect trillions of contracts across the global financial industry, Insurance Asset Risk reveals the scope of the impact on insurers and the unanswerable question they face in a transition period filled with uncertainty. Vincent Huck reports

  • Can investment consultants build a bridge to insurers?

    09 November 2016

    Chief investment officers tell many tales of incompetent and tactless advisors, but admit they do sometimes need help navigating the investment landscape. David Walker investigates the future of the relationship