
  • Regulators have the sustainability power

    12 August 2020

    JP Morgan Asset Management and Insurance Asset Risk have joined forces to understand what lies under the bonnet of insurers' responsible investment announcements. Findings were compiled in a report. We present some of the key high- level discoveries, with part one focusing on regulation. Vincent Huck reports

  • NN IP appoints head of emerging markets debt

    19 May 2020

    Marcin Adamczyk rejoins Dutch affiliate after three years at Poland's PZU

  • Suspension of dividend payments, more firepower for the investment teams?

    09 April 2020

    As some insurers follow suit on regulators' urge not to pay dividends and others refuse to comply, Vincent Huck looks at whether dividend retention could result in more ammunition for the investment teams to invest in markets

  • PZU AM receives regulatory approval for consultancy activities

    19 November 2019

    Polish insurer affiliate aims to grow third-party assets

  • Many motor insurers rely on investments, amid underwriting losses

    17 September 2019

    Insurance Risk Data industry report unveils overall underwriting loss

  • Exclusive: Polish insurer PZU promotes its CIO to CEO role

    09 August 2019

    Robert Kubin appointed CEO of the Polish state-run insurer's asset management arm

  • Diversification and China: the keywords for the coming years

    03 July 2019

    IAR Webinar hears from Aon’s senior analyst Lucinda Downing on the key risks facing investors

  • IAR webinar: Investment strategy implementation, the CIO’s point of view

    03 July 2019

    PZU investment chief Robert Kubin describes the practicalities of implementing investment strategies

  • Video: quarterly results versus long-term investment objectives

    01 July 2019

    PZU's investment chief Robert Kubin recommends that investors focus on quarterly results but not at the expense of the longer term health of the business.

  • What is the biggest threat to investment returns?

    27 June 2019

    Delegates at Insurance Asset Risk 2019 EMEA conference reveal the biggest risk on their minds.