
  • Dennis Klimes joins Prime Advisors to head sales and business development

    08 January 2015

    Former Morgan Stanley veteran to develop new opportunities

  • Friends Life and Aviva merger spells bad news for asset managers

    24 November 2014

    Aviva Investors would take over outsourced mandates

  • Insurers' private equity investment gets a fillip from Brussels

    30 October 2014

    Clarification of the Solvency II capital charges will clear the way for more insurers to embrace the asset class, joining those already attracted by the superior returns

  • Eastspring Investments appoints Yang as head of insurance relationship

    28 May 2014

    Recruited from FWD Group, where he was group head of investments and ALM

  • Friends Life's Mark Versey: "Infrastructure is now a core investment strategy"

    22 November 2013

    Friends Life is now directly investing in both infrastructure and commercial real estate debt after awarding combined mandates of £1bn this year. Jamie Bullen asks chief investment officer Mark Versey what lies behind this new strategy