
  • PRI launches infrastructure due diligence questionnaire for investors

    05 September 2018

    Survey helps develop global standard and common language for ESG integration

  • UN-supported PRI launches free online climate tool

    03 September 2018

    Analysing exposure to transition risk in equity and fixed income portfolios over multiple scenarios

  • Insurers underperform on ESG integration

    30 August 2018

    In particular US insurers struggle with the heavily politicised issue of climate change

  • ASI survey highlights growing ESG integration in smart beta strategies

    31 July 2018

    Over three-quarters of surveyed asset owners are considering ESG integration although only 24% currently using a smart beta ESG strategy

  • Australian and New Zealand financial sectors commit to sustainable finance roadmap

    27 July 2018

    Impact investing has grown from $1.2bn in 2015 to $5.8bn in 2017 according to local impact investing association

  • Prudential acquires Thai asset manager

    26 July 2018

    Deal includes distribution agreement with Thai TMB Bank

  • Prince of Wales says insurers need to step up on sustainability

    11 July 2018

    Events organised by the Prince of Wales can't be publicised, so it was a running joke among the attendees of his finance leaders' summit at St James Palace to ask how one had heard about the event. Surrounded by tapestries, art works, swords and powder guns hanging from the walls, 70 finance leaders were asked to commit to concrete actions to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement. Vincent Huck got a glimpse through the door.

  • Brazil becomes world’s first insurance market to commit to climate risk transparency

    24 May 2018

    Latin America’s largest insurance market declared support to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.

  • Prudential reveals jump in investment risks in 2017

    17 May 2018

    Investment management fees rose, too, SFCR says

  • Prudential spins off M&G Prudential

    14 March 2018

    Prudential is to separate its UK and European and global businesses, resulting in two separately-listed companies "with different investment characteristics and opportunities."