
  • The other 'hiking' - Lloyd's syndicate CIOs trek further 'off the beaten path' for alternatives

    25 April 2024

    Yields on core fixed income may have improved with rate hikes of recent years, but some Lloyd's syndicate CIOs have ventured further from the well-trod path, searching for alternatives, as David Walker discovers

  • Chart of the Week - Do PE-linked Lloyd's syndicates take more investment risk?

    12 April 2024

    With PE links to insurers in the sights of regulators worldwide, we investigate the fair value hierarchy of some at Lloyd's

  • Lloyd's syndicates reveal investment fortunes - or lack thereof - in 2021

    13 April 2022

    From low rates to rising inflation, ESG to net zero, syndicates' CIOs have their hands full in 2022. David Walker reports