
  • Comment - Are UK CIOs out of the Woods on climate change?

    25 May 2022

    Bank of England delivers CIOs findings from its climate stress test, without too much stress

  • Climate change could drag insurers' profits down by 15%, warns PRA chief

    24 May 2022

    Sam Woods emphasises green capital charges not way to tackle risk

  • Lifers could be hit hardest by climate change, Bank of England stress tests find

    24 May 2022

    Bank of England climate stress test finds insurers could see a 15% asset value drop without action on climate change

  • L&G agrees £4bn investment in UK combined authority

    19 May 2022

    Contributing to housing, commercial developments and local communities

  • Activists put Chubb's feet to the fire over fossil fuels

    05 May 2022

    Evan Greenberg says insurer is "realistic, pragmatic and earnest" about responsibilities

  • A match, a spark! - the MA ignites UK lifers' investment appetites

    02 May 2022

    The MA has given UK lifers about £400bn of capital benefit since 2016 - and more fruitful use of it to invest in the real economy could yet come, if HM Treasury's proposals are enacted. David Walker investigates

  • Comment - UK lifers could quietly stampede through MA's open door

    28 April 2022

    HM Treasury has published MA and Solvency II reform proposals

  • UK government publishes review of Solvency II

    28 April 2022

    Open for consultation until July

  • Ellen Yang - the view from the inside on C-Ross Phase II

    28 March 2022

    DWS's Ellen Yang could fairly claim unique insight, or at the very least 'privileged insight', into C-Ross Phase II rules, having been seconded by China's regulator to work on them. Interview by David Walker.

  • C-Ross Explainer - Market risk and minimum capital

    24 March 2022

    Market risks facing insurers have the standard industry segmentations plus an extra one for 'overseas asset price risk'.