
  • "Insurers remain vulnerable to 'double-hit' scenario"

    01 June 2015

    QE adds to the pressure, says Eiopa

  • Talanx joins critics of Heta bond handling

    12 May 2015

    German insurer writes down €47m; rues Austrian stance

  • The challenge of hedging under the volatility adjustment

    29 April 2015

    The multiple factors used to calculate the Solvency II risk-free rate when using the volatility adjustment (VA) render it almost impossible to hedge perfectly while maintaining capital efficiency, but that in turn creates an opportunity for value-added asset-liability management, says Paul Fulcher

  • Phoenix builds up equity-release book

    24 April 2015

    Part of strategy to diversify asset portfolio

  • Matching adjustment details challenge UK insurers

    22 April 2015

    The matching adjustment is currently the biggest issue for UK insurer asset portfolios before Solvency II comes into force next year. Among the key issues are equity release, FX hedges and collateral. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Friends Life CIO values his investment banking skills

    13 April 2015

    At Friends Life Robert Groves has brought an innovative approach to the role of CIO from his previous career in banking. Right now his biggest challenges are ensuring Friends Life's assets are eligible for the matching adjustment and sourcing higher-yielding investments, as Sarfraz Thind explains

  • Eiopa publishes infrastructure investments discussion paper

    27 March 2015

    Comments requested from insurers

  • PRA warns insurers on fossil fuel assets

    03 March 2015

    Deputy head Fisher claims insurers could be hit by policy changes

  • Aviva Investors fined by FCA

    24 February 2015

    Settlement announced over cherry-picking of funds

  • PRA gives guidance on equity release mortgages

    23 February 2015

    Restructuring for MA likely to be acceptable if via a subsidiary