
  • Impact investing is the future of sustainability for insurers, Zurich says

    10 January 2024

    Head of sustainability risk highlights collaboration, engagement and intentionality at launch of WEF Global Risks Report 2024

  • The US battles against ESG

    22 May 2023

    US climate change politics have hit a turning point. What started off as mild disgruntlement against woke investing now looks to have turned into an all-out war by right-leaning states against climate siders. It is enough to make the head spin. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • BaFin sets out views on investor alliances and collusive behaviour

    03 May 2023

    German regulator says belonging to engagement platforms does not per se indicate 'acting in concert'

  • "Governments should align debt issuance with sustainability goals"

    11 October 2021

    Insurers, holding over €1.1trn in sovereign debt, tell world leaders ahead of COP26

  • Net Zero Alliance could benefit from climate underwriters' call

    12 July 2021

    New insurance alliance wants members to join NZAOA, too