
  • IMF looks to ruin PE-insurer party

    29 December 2023

    The International Monetary Fund has raised further warning flags on private equity-owned insurance businesses. At the heart of the concerns are the illiquid assets these insurers use which may lead to financial catastrophe, if the IMF is to be believed.

  • US debt ceiling drama strikes again

    18 May 2023

    Grubby politics are again featuring as the spoiler for financial market equilibrium. The US debt ceiling standoff seems to be an annual affair—but this one looks a lot more serious than those in the past. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Arena Capital the smooth operator

    19 September 2022

    High yield is usually associated with high risk. But Arena Capital is showing it need not be so—it has produced stellar returns for insurers in recent times and in doing so smoothed out some of the volatility associated with the asset class. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Fossilised investments

    05 October 2021

    The US insurers' portfolios remain heavily skewed to oil, gas and coal assets. Even as the clamour for net-zero grows, where is the insurance business going with fossil fuels? Sarfraz Thind reports

  • US insurers boost Federal Home Loan borrowing for higher-yielding investments

    21 May 2021

    FHLBs provide cheap loans for insurers for geared asset purchases

  • IAR 2020 Americas: NAIC puts liquidity stress tests on ice, due to the live one underway

    23 September 2020

    Code name: COVID-19

  • US insurers have $46bn commitments to PE

    07 August 2020

    Underwriters have rotated from hedge funds for better returns

  • US insurers hold $602bn of under-fire retail mortgage loans

    07 May 2020

    Retail borrowers feeling pressure of COVID-19 lockdown as rise in defaults predicted

  • Low-risk securities lending being ignored by US insurers

    06 November 2019

    US insurers use repo and securities lending for less than 1% of investments, NAIC study finds

  • Ibor transition still patchy as 2021 deadline looms

    03 October 2019

    Structured finance market among slowest to shift to new benchmarks, says Fitch