
  • Conning says smaller insurers under-invested in CRE

    24 August 2023

    Merits of CRE in current environment continue to be debated by investors

  • Crédit Agricole Assurances invests €128m in renewable energy firm

    09 August 2023

    Insurer takes 30% stake in Innergex Renewable Energy

  • IFRS 17: Are insurers ready for the same scrutiny they impose on their investees

    07 August 2023

    New accounting standards, including IFRS 17, are seeking to standardise insurance accounting globally and better reflect insurers financial positions to their investors. But is their message loud, or more importantly, clear? David Walker examines

  • Aviva Investors takes 35% stake in renewable energy developer

    31 July 2023
  • Phoenix Group extends £58m loan to Bromley Council for affordable housing

    26 July 2023
  • Croatian currency SCRs vanished as country joined euro

    17 July 2023

    Some insurers took advantage of assured conversion rates to calculate a nil FX risk, SFCRs show

  • Generali Investment to buy Conning

    06 July 2023

    Conning to continue under existing management

  • IAR EMEA audience dissatisfied with UK Solvency reform

    28 June 2023

    But panellists point to the positives of the reform to insurers' investments, as Vincent Huck reports

  • NN to engage with investee companies on water and living wage

    20 June 2023

    As it joins two thematic investor engagement initiatives

  • Where is the wind blowing?

    08 June 2023

    The financial market is divided on the likelihood of a recession and the future direction of travel for interest rates. Josh Adcock reports