
  • Raising the stakes in fund management

    07 December 2016

    Insurer-affiliated managers are punching above their weight in a competitive market, taking more than one-third of all fund managers' new business in the first three quarters. David Walker examines the evolving relationship between insurer-parents, affiliates and independent managers.

  • Dutch regulator warns insurers on mortgage investment risks

    30 November 2016

    Caution may not dim popularity of non-securitised mortgages

  • Insurers have stakes in 15% of European fund managers

    22 November 2016

    The business stakes give insurers indirect interest in €2.4trn of assets

  • NN still hunting at home for higher investment yields

    18 November 2016

    Dutch insurer could buy yet more mortgages

  • Insurtech VC fund aims to halve Solvency II capital charge

    16 November 2016

    Insurer-only fund should quality as strategic investment

  • Can investment consultants build a bridge to insurers?

    09 November 2016

    Chief investment officers tell many tales of incompetent and tactless advisors, but admit they do sometimes need help navigating the investment landscape. David Walker investigates the future of the relationship

  • Actuaries urge investors to diversify energy investments

    22 August 2016

    IFoA backs international initiative to phase out fossil fuel subsidies

  • NN Group ramps up allocation to mortgage loans

    18 August 2016

    Realised gains on sovereign bond portfolio to take more credit risk

  • Upholding a duty to ESG investing

    10 August 2016

    NN's chief investment officer Jelle van der Giessen on investing responsibly in tough economic times. Asa Gibson reports.

  • Brexit hits Hannover Re's equity portfolio

    04 August 2016

    Investment performance generally unhurt with 2.9% ROI