
  • US-China clash to promote investment opportunities in EMs, NN IP says

    15 June 2021

    As each country looks to outdo each other, EMs stand to reap the benefits

  • More US insurers tempted by crypto

    11 June 2021

    A handful of insurers invested in digital currency vehicles this year, according to S&P

  • Fed likely to warn market of intention to scale back asset purchases, NN IP says

    10 June 2021

    Keep close eye on Fed and ECB communications

  • Generali amongst bidders for NN Investment Partners

    04 June 2021

    NNIP has reportedly attracted suitors from Europe and US

  • VIG's coal divestment target covers less than 2% of total investments

    18 May 2021

    Underwriting climate strategy updated

  • COMMENT: CIOs, affiliates, and the Australian coal problem

    18 May 2021

    Insurers' managers took on India's government over Adani, but what about Australia?

  • Biden's tax hike to offer silver lining for muni bonds

    06 May 2021

    P&C insurers will profit from proposal according to Conning

  • Conning's Büsst on all that it takes, to be a 'good' Lloyd's AM

    04 May 2021

    Conning is Lloyd's market's most popular asset manager by engagements. Russell Büsst, Conning's chief executive and investment officer for Europe, tells David Walker about the changing face of syndicate asset management.

  • NNIP's greatest challenge lies ahead as NN mulls "strategic options"

    28 April 2021

    Breadth of offering may come in handy for NN's affiliate

  • The Famous Five - How CIOs trumped underwriters, again, at Lloyd's

    26 April 2021

    If you want to know when the underwriters at Lloyd's last beat its investors, cast your mind (all the way) back to 2015. The bad luck of Lloyd's underwriters is clear. The good run of its investors is largely to plan, David Walker finds.