
  • UK still most popular destination for USA insurers

    30 October 2020

    Foreign investments represented 8% of total insurer assets in 2019

  • IAR Americas: Round the world of credit

    28 September 2020

    Insurers examine the impact of COVID-19 on different asset classes in the credit and structured bond universe and how they feel about future performance, during a panel discussion at Insurance Asset Risk Americas. Compiled by Stephanie Harris

  • US insurers' alternative assets escape COVID-19 downturn

    08 September 2020

    Hedge funds, private equity and real estate assets present liquidity challenges, says NAIC

  • US insurers' assets grow 7% to $7trn in 2019

    03 July 2020

    Industry assets at ten-year high as illiquids focus continues

  • US insurance CLO exposure not a significant risk, says NAIC

    26 June 2020

    Results of stress test allay concerns over CLO holdings, but atypical exposures warrant care

  • US insurers grew CLO exposure by 23% in 2019

    19 May 2020

    CLO allocations up to $158bn as COVID-19 exposes market risk

  • US insurer CMBS investments face threat from growing retail delinquencies

    01 May 2020

    Insurers held $136bn of CMBS with retail exposure in 2019

  • US insurer equity portfolios plunge 25% on COVID-19

    27 April 2020

    Insurer equities lost all 2019 gains in first three months of the year, according to NAIC

  • McConnell proposals to let states go bankrupt fuel municipal bond risk

    24 April 2020

    US Senate leader's comments add to further strains on COVID-19 hit insurance assets

  • NAIC working with state regulators on CECL delay

    03 April 2020

    COVID-19 crisis has made it impossible to make forecasts on loan loss variables