
  • US insurers like Mexico for EM

    10 May 2022

    Emerging markets still less than 1% of insurance holdings, NAIC finds

  • Investments help drive US life statutory capital in 2021

    01 April 2022

    Statutory capital grew 9.2% last year helped by equity markets, says Fitch

  • Investors are underestimating massive bond ETF risk

    23 March 2022

    Tobam's deputy-CIO labels NYDFS's ETF capital relaxation "crazy"

  • US insurers increasingly relying on ETFs

    21 March 2022

    Thanks to lighter regulatory treatment

  • US insurer oil investments benefiting from soaring prices

    03 March 2022

    Insurers have $111bn in oil and gas, as commodity touches $115 per barrel

  • 'US RBC should have no bearing on investment decisions'

    28 February 2022

    NAIC investment working group chair wants capital charges reflecting risks

  • Inflation drives real bond yields into negative territory

    17 February 2022

    Insurer returns on investments at risk of losing value, NAIC finds

  • NAIC requests feedback on RBC treatment of asset backed securities

    15 February 2022

    Further differentiation of risk across credit holdings needed, Bridgeway Analytics' Levy says

  • The US outsourcing race

    14 February 2022

    The last year seems to have brought more asset management firms than ever into the insurance outsourcing space. How difficult is it to break into this market? Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Equity drop will have a material impact on US P&C portfolios

    28 January 2022

    Equities down 10% from start of year