
  • US insurer ETF use to grow 86% in next five years, S&P predicts

    22 June 2017

    Move to fixed income ETFs the next biggest trend, rating agency finds

  • Taking control of credit risk

    24 January 2017

    Regulatory changes in the US and persistently low interest rates around the world are raising the profile of credit risk management. EY's Juan Carlos Milan Sotelo says there are a number of common weak spots within a typical credit risk management framework, which insurance CIOs can address with a few fundamental steps. Asa Gibson reports

  • US insurers increase bond exposure by 11% in four years

    07 June 2016

    With a slight decrease in stocks holdings in 2015, according to the NAIC

  • Insurers need change in mindset to embrace ETFs fully

    29 October 2015

    The attraction of exchange-traded funds to insurance investors is increasing but further growth may be slowed by regulatory worries and resistance from proponents of an active approach to portfolio management. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • BlackRock given NAIC modelling role

    18 August 2015

    Contract covers CMBS and RMBS

  • Only 5% of US insurers use derivatives

    10 August 2015

    Largest firms dominate NAIC figures

  • NAIC claims modest oil shock for US insurers

    02 March 2015

    Drop in oil price will have little effect on investment portfolios

  • NAIC seeks modellers for CMBS and RMBS investments

    12 February 2015

    Third party vendors first used by association five years ago

  • US insurers increase derivatives exposure to $1.9trn

    16 July 2014

    Primary use for hedging, investment on the rise, says NAIC

  • LEI codes problematic for insurers

    02 July 2014

    Issues likely to arise when sourcing codes from counterparties in private equity and derivatives