NAIC requests feedback on RBC treatment of asset backed securities
15 February 2022Further differentiation of risk across credit holdings needed, Bridgeway Analytics' Levy says
Chinese authorities issue opinion on corporate bond market
24 August 2021As investors fear defaults and rating mismatches
The RBC changes: a slow-moving Titanic
20 July 2021It is a slow change, even by the notoriously slow standards of the insurance industry. However, the soon-to-be instigated changes to the NAIC's risk-based capital charges on fixed income assets could have significant ramifications for the US insurance investment portfolio. And many don't like it. Sarfraz Thind reports
CECL: US insurers getting to grips with accounting standard overhaul
09 May 2019Like IFRS 9, the US's current expected credit losses (CECL) accounting standard was devised to tackle expected credit losses in financial institution portfolios. The rules, however, appear harsh in relation to the insurance industry. By Sarfraz Thind
Provinzial NordWest picks Moody’s Analytics modelling technology
04 June 2018The three selected tools will be used for actuarial valuations and investment analysis