
  • Moody's warns rising rates could hit lifers' reported equity

    22 November 2022

    But higher rates a net benefit for sector and its chief investment officers

  • The Big Reveal - insurers demand look-through...but reply in kind

    08 November 2022

    CIOs might require fund managers to 'show what they've got', to examine holdings and reduce various Solvency II capital charges - but increasingly transparency is working both ways, David Walker unearths

  • APAC lifers to remain disciplined in ALM, says Moody's

    22 September 2022

    To alleviate negative spread risk and balance sheet sensitivity to interest rate movements

  • Do rising rates signal a volte-face by reinsurers on illiquid assets?

    12 September 2022

    With RVS in Monte Carlo well underway, Abbie Wood spoke to industry experts to learn how rising interest rates could push reinsurers away from the illiquid assets from which they once sought yield... but not all the experts agree.

  • Chaucer and Moody's launch ESG Balanced Scorecard

    07 September 2022

    Which uses 158 data points to assign scores for corporates across ESG factors

  • Rising rates will help reinsurance investments this year, says Moody's

    06 September 2022

    P&C insurers with short duration portfolios to benefit first

  • The death of life insurance

    13 July 2022

    They were the bane of life for many CIOs, but a rich source of outsourcing for asset managers. Are traditional life policies - and their challenges for investing - now dead? David Walker investigates

  • Taiwan lifers miss Russian bond payments

    30 June 2022

    Cathay Life expected delays, and payment in roubles

  • Moody's spells out illiquid investment exposure of UK insurers

    24 June 2022

    Allocations will grow to underpin more bulk purchase annuity work, ratings agency predicts

  • Chinese lifers cut back risky investments in Q1, Fitch finds

    20 May 2022

    Core solvency ratios fall in Q1 despite use of new rules' transitional measures