
  • Japanese regulator to review stewardship code for institutional investors

    09 August 2019

    FSA commissioner Toshihide Endo calls on investors to adopt Japan’s traditional aphorism of “three-way satisfaction”

  • MetLife income rises on $724m derivative gains

    02 August 2019

    Supports delay to “complex” LDTI rules

  • US life insurers continue to pile into mortgages

    12 July 2019

    Market performance to remain strong but with pockets of risk, says Fitch

  • What is the biggest threat to investment returns?

    27 June 2019

    Delegates at Insurance Asset Risk 2019 EMEA conference reveal the biggest risk on their minds.

  • Returns are low - and going to get lower

    12 June 2019

    Panellists at Insurance Asset Risk EMEA warn of continued pressure on investment income, the outcome of US and China trade talks, and the end of the credit cycle

  • Metlife IM appoints head of client solutions for real estate

    10 June 2019

    Adam Ruggiero will lead the new unit

  • US insurers build up leveraged loan holdings

    31 May 2019

    AIG, MetLife with “outsized concentrations”

  • MetLife manager strikes property deal with Invesco

    31 May 2019

    MetLife plans developing Atlanta property that houses global asset manager

  • Chinese insurance investor body forms international advisory committee

    29 May 2019

    Expert group to enhance internationalisation of China’s AM sector

  • Commercial mortgages close up

    16 May 2019

    Strong returns, stable performance, low risk—the market for commercial mortgage loans has run on tailwinds in the last 10 years with more insurers bringing the asset onto their portfolio than ever before. But, with a looming economic downturn, is the love affair with CMLs about to run out? Sarfraz Thind reports