
  • IAR Americas: ESG will be a more prolonged journey for US insurers

    24 September 2021

    You need to be honest about the costs of investing in green assets, Longino says

  • IAR Americas: Target-setting is good - but not for everything

    23 September 2021

    Panellists revealed their opinions on setting stringent investment and net-zero targets

  • Manulife IM hires Adam Weigold to head municipal bond team

    10 September 2021

    Reports to global fixed income CIO John Addeo

  • Manulife makes emerging markets team appointments

    23 August 2021
  • FAANG, tech and old school

    23 August 2021

    Who cashed in on FAANG stocks?

  • Manulife IM makes another timberland acquisition

    19 August 2021

    Purchase of Brazilian eucalyptus plantations joins the insurer's expanding timberland portfolio

  • Canadian life insurers sail through pandemic with minimal investment losses

    18 August 2021

    Largest Canadian insurer made money in last 18 months, according to DBRS Morningstar

  • Manulife IM buys 89,800 acres of timberland

    12 August 2021

    Investment will be used to store carbon as asset manager targets net zero

  • Clean energy transition represents $16trn investment opportunity

    03 August 2021

    Pandemic "black swan" has focused minds on ESG, Manulife IM says

  • Manulife acquires Joliet Logistics Centre

    30 July 2021

    The asset is leased on a long-term basis to one of the world's largest automobile manufacturers