
  • As of today, Earth's 2023 ecological budget is in deficit

    02 August 2023

    On Earth Overshoot day, insurance asset managers warn of the threat resource wastes poses to the economy and society, while highlighting tremendous investment opportunities in the old game of supply and demand.

  • M&G Investments' stewardship approach prioritises reducing fossil fuel demand as well as supply

    28 July 2023

    As it backs European oil majors but votes against boards at US oil companies

  • M&G Investments secures SICE license in Taiwan

    18 July 2023
  • Actuaries give cautious welcome to Whitehall's private assets push

    12 July 2023

    Chancellor of Exchequer wants institutions to buy more into unlisted companies

  • UK government unveils reforms to prod insurers towards private assets

    11 July 2023

    Six UK insurers sign up to Chancellor of Exchequer's investment aspirations

  • Pru's with-profits fund takes exposure to AI traffic platform

    29 June 2023

    M&G invests $25m in NoTraffic AI platform as part of Catalyst private asset strategy

  • M&G hires Manabu Fujita as head of investments Japan

    16 June 2023

    From Schroders Investment Management, seeing growth potential in Japanese market

  • CRE 'flight to quality' delaying green upgrades, M&G says

    14 June 2023

    As stricter lending puts non-prime asset holders at risk

  • M&G closes two underperforming funds due to lack of investor interest

    12 May 2023

    And insufficient assets to be commercially viable

  • Chart of the Week - The MA's £482bn 'capital gift' to UK lifers (and their CIOs)

    21 April 2023

    UK infrastructure, gilts and credit on the GA menu for most lifers' MA portfolios