
  • Comment - The Devil, insurers and coal, and the Deep Blue Sea

    10 May 2022

    With governments letting them down, insurers face no easy choices in their ability to tackle climate change

  • Achilles Sofroniou appointed CIO of Ethniki Insurance

    04 May 2022

    Formerly at Lloyd's and Canopius

  • Lloyd's syndicates reveal investment fortunes - or lack thereof - in 2021

    13 April 2022

    From low rates to rising inflation, ESG to net zero, syndicates' CIOs have their hands full in 2022. David Walker reports

  • Climate protestors force Lloyd's to shut doors

    12 April 2022

    Staff told to work remotely as Extinction Rebellion protests syndicates backing fossil fuels

  • Lloyd's syndicates outline actions and plans for LIBOR's end

    06 April 2022

    Syndicates struggled to beat it, while getting rid of exposure to it, in 2021

  • Beazley praises passive ESG for helping growth assets make 11% in 2021

    05 April 2022

    Overweight US shares, and hedge funds, contributed, too

  • Lloyd's syndicates detail mandate terminations in 2020 and investment wishes for 2021

    01 April 2021

    Some syndicates praise hedge funds for growth-asset returns

  • Lloyd's won't get ahead of policy on climate, CEO says

    31 March 2021

    Neal calls climate "biggest single investment opportunity in our lifetime"

  • Lloyd's CEO: "You can't expect a solid return from investment income"

    31 March 2021

    CFO warns of prudent investment approach amid high uncertainty

  • Lloyd's £2.3bn investment yield cannot save market from overall loss

    31 March 2021

    For the market, 2020 was "a year like no other," but "an overall positive year" for its investors