
  • Japan's lifers vow to push ESG investing within JPY 400trn asset pot

    22 July 2024

    New LIAJ chair issued policy statement on Friday

  • Chart of the Week - Japanese life CIOs, super-long bonds and shareholdings

    17 May 2024

    Moody's and Life Insurance Association of Japan analyse trends in one key, and one more peripheral, asset class

  • Japanese lifers tell trade body they want more in return for holding equities

    25 April 2024

    Returns, dividend payout ratios and returns on equity common causes of discontent

  • Japan Post Life to boost impact investing and lending after joining global network

    12 February 2024

    Lifer has joined global impact investment network

  • Japan's life insurance trade body polls lifers and investees on key investment issues

    25 April 2023

    JLIA unearths moments of discord on key issues affecting both parties

  • Springing back to life - JGB yields help Japan's CIOs repatriate GAs

    01 March 2023

    It's been an awfully long time coming, but yields on long-dated JGBs are becoming genuinely attractive to many Japanese CIOs - maybe for the first time in their careers, David Walker reports

  • Government bonds remain way of life for Japanese lifers

    01 November 2021

    However, share of domestic govvies exposure has shrunk

  • Japanese insurers hunt en masse for foreign bonds

    26 April 2017

    Local bond investments will be more selective, underwriters say