
  • Navigating the hard realities of policy divergence

    31 March 2015

    The European Central Bank (ECB) unleashing quantitative easing just as the US Federal Reserve sits at the cusp of tightening is causing global currency spasms and market angst. Iain Stealy describes how insurance companies investing in bonds might react to these developments

  • Time to look at the emerging markets again?

    16 March 2015

    Growth, earnings and valuations need to improve first, says J P Morgan AM

  • European insurers should not settle for less than nothing

    12 March 2015

    Moving along the yield curve may offer increased yield and dramatically expand the universe of investible instruments for insurers, Eugene Dimitriou and Michael Story explain.

  • Alternatives increasingly attract insurers

    03 March 2015

    JP Morgan Asset Management highlights surge in interest in liquid alternatives

  • QE to accelerate shift into illiquid assets

    23 January 2015

    Demand for non-euro assets is another option for hard-pressed insurers, analysts say

  • JPM acquires Aviva's Asia real estate platform

    17 December 2014

    Creates 50-strong team in Asia

  • Guardian hires Allstate, JP Morgan execs

    12 December 2014

    Doug Dupont and Doug Niemann to manage investments

  • Central bank policy, inflation, low growth cited as issues for insurers

    05 November 2014

    JPMAM issues paper on long-term capital market return assumptions

  • Asset managers increase insurance AuM

    10 July 2014

    Specialist expertise key in attracting clients

  • With changing market dynamics, insurers can profit in fixed income

    07 May 2014

    They buy in bulk, their size gives them clout with large fixed-income asset managers and their buy-and-hold outlook insulates them from market swings, as Douglas Niemann explains