
  • Can covered bonds stage a comeback?

    29 June 2016

    Covered bonds have traditionally been a favourite asset for insurers and are treated sympathetically under Solvency II, but they have fallen from grace as low yields bite into the asset class. Sarfraz Thind reports on prospects for a revival

  • Brexit credit spread widening biggest threat to UK insurer balance sheets

    28 June 2016

    Spread widening and rating migration increasing pressure

  • Brexit leaves insurers facing an uncertain investment future

    27 June 2016

    Most UK insurers hedged against risks, which should reduce impact

  • JP Morgan AM promotes Lummert to Emea insurance head

    20 June 2016

    Succeeds Peagam who became global insurance solutions head last July

  • Asian infrastructure both an opportunity and challenge

    16 March 2016

    Asian governments have been looking to spur private investment in infrastructure. But demand is somewhat restrained as tight supply and falling yields make it harder for insurance investors to access local deals. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Goodbye gilts as Solvency II shifts asset allocation

    20 January 2016

    Prompted by Solvency II, some insurers have moved out of government bonds and into swaps and short-dated government or corporate bonds. But the swap-based approach is not without its challenges, as Sarfraz Thind reports

  • M&G sells its half of the Oxford Science Park

    05 January 2016

    The buyer, Magdalen College, now owns 100%

  • Insurers face up to the asset test of Solvency II

    23 September 2015

    As solvency ratios come under pressure and the introduction of Solvency II with its higher capital charges for some asset classes looms, insurers are taking a hard look at the risk in their asset portfolios, as Sarfraz Thind explains

  • Insurers should be nimble and flexible in fixed income

    26 May 2015

    After decades of a bond bull market and six years of central bank liquidity measures, is the fixed-income bubble bursting? Prashant Sharma examines what this would mean for insurers' portfolios, historically heavily weighted towards this asset class?

  • Time is running out for Greece

    27 April 2015

    Endgame in about six weeks, says JP Morgan; Draghi stresses about banks