
  • Italian regulator calls for better property risk data

    12 February 2019

    Poor statistics make for poor risk modelling, Ivass says

  • Solvency II changes needed for unrated bond investors, says Ivass

    08 October 2018

    Italian regulator wants amendments for private equity, too

  • Volatilità spurs Italian insurers to review portfolios

    04 September 2018

    Italy's underwriters long understood their sovereign debt was not riskless. This year's jolts only intensified their search for other investments, as David Walker reports

  • Italian insurers failed by Solvency II volatility adjustment, Ivass says

    29 June 2018

    Mechanism did not protect underwriters from recent bond market turbulence

  • Italian regulator demands more explanation of sovereign bond risk

    14 February 2018

    Italy's insurance regulator has told insurers to improve their explanations of how they manage government bond risk, in their own risk and solvency assessment (Orsa) documents.

  • Italian regulator pushes renaissance of with-profits phenomenon

    21 November 2017

    Rule changes would allow for multi-year profits smoothing in hybrid product

  • Corporate bond splash drives up credit risk in Italian portfolios

    16 June 2016

    Insurers divest from sovereigns in the hunt for yield, says Fitch