
  • Generali earns Moody's upgrade as BTP exposure falls

    09 May 2022

    But shareholder divisions earn a warning as governance risk grows

  • Italian insurers' solvency slid to 101% in EIOPA stress test

    06 May 2022

    Exposures to BTPs and BBB private bonds largely responsible, says Banc d'Italia

  • IVASS consults on significant investment reform of pension products

    22 April 2022

    And warns insurers about "complex" capital optimisation tools of asset managers

  • Ivass consults on changing capital gains recognition in unit-linked policies

    17 March 2022

    Regulator suggests letting providers propose different recognition policy in mid-stream

  • Chart of the week: IVASS reveals extent of Italians' spread risk

    03 December 2021

    Insurers cut BTPs by 2 percentage points in H1 2021, but are still half their portfolios

  • The road to BTP exposure is rocky...

    29 October 2021

    IVASS report shows Italian insurers diversifying portfolios, as investments hit €1trn

  • BTPs - the love affair Italian CIOs can't quite let go of...

    16 September 2021

    Italians love their domestic government bonds, and although regulators beg for diversification, CIOs are in no rush to let go. Abbie Wood reports

  • Italian Class III returns fall by 72% in 2020

    16 August 2021

    IVASS data shows great variability in returns on Italians' investments in the previous three years

  • IVASS warns insurers lack tools for complex investments

    05 August 2021

    Regulator also forewarns volatility adjustment reform may be "imperfect"

  • Ivass lays down the law to Cattolica on property investments

    29 January 2021

    Regulator notes concern with H-Farm property development investment in Treviso