COTW - Round the World in SFCRs: Greece, Malta, Cyprus and Slovenia
28 June 2024SFCRs from southern Europe's insurers contained a mix of epic investment performance, and conservative approaches in 2023
Aviva Investors insurer is one of just seven building solvency every year under Solvency II
08 January 2024Insurance Risk Data analysed 974 undertakings' solvency data since 2016
Greek insurers bemoan low yields on once-tragic local debt
28 June 2021One CIO liquidated a bond originally designed to bail Greece out, for its negative yield to maturity
Cash a 'sweat-able asset' in need of exercise
04 November 2020Cash once used to be king, but the cost of holding it has become prohibitive for insurers, who are also weary of the prospect of losing money in their safe harbour asset class: government bonds. Has the time to make their money "sweat" come? David Walker asks