
  • IFRS 17: Are insurers ready for the same scrutiny they impose on their investees

    07 August 2023

    New accounting standards, including IFRS 17, are seeking to standardise insurance accounting globally and better reflect insurers financial positions to their investors. But is their message loud, or more importantly, clear? David Walker examines

  • Actuaries urged to apply skills to unearth investment greenwashing

    01 June 2023

    International Congress of Actuaries discusses climate scenarios, inter-disciplinary work and portfolio risk management

  • Regulators' role in preventing greenwashing

    04 July 2019

    The French regulator's director for research and risk analysis Laurent Clerc explains the difficulty of acting on the climate change imperative and the challenges for the regulator to monitor 'greenwashing'. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • Global actuaries body launches climate risk analysis

    18 June 2019

    Risk can only be tackled through global solutions, Hanak tells French actuarial profession