
  • Insure our Future's latest scorecard lays bare insurers' investment and underwriting sustainability discrepancies

    09 November 2023

    Campaigners release 7th annual scorecard on insurers' climate policies

  • NZAOA releases guidance for oil and gas investments

    29 March 2023

    Reclaim Finance criticises paper as "a great leap backward" for the Alliance

  • Sompo stops investing in new coal plants

    27 May 2022

    Japanese insurer urged to phase out all coal projects from its portfolio

  • Allianz to halt investments in new oil and gas fields

    29 April 2022

    And will require 'net-zero by 2050' commitment from hydrocarbon producers

  • Comment - Why insurers' shareholders may want fossil fuel polluters hauled into court

    31 March 2022

    CIOs must tackle the root cause of global warming

  • MAPFRE to halt investments in coal, oil and gas companies

    11 March 2022

    Which are not aligned with 1.5C transition

  • Comment: Campaigners appreciate John Neal's 'sympathetic ear', but less keen about his feet

    18 February 2022

    Climate lobbyists met the Lloyd's CEO John Neal yesterday

  • Climate campaigners slam John Neal for "failure to understand" fossil fuel issue

    18 February 2022

    Campaigners met Lloyd's CEO yesterday

  • Net Zero Alliance could benefit from climate underwriters' call

    12 July 2021

    New insurance alliance wants members to join NZAOA, too

  • MS&AD stops investing in, and insuring, new coal plants

    28 June 2021

    Japanese insurer extends existing net-zero commitments